Howzit! welcome to the portfolio page of

Jack Liam Nortje,

Quality Assurance Tester

I decided to switch careers in 2021 and followed the route of Front End Web Devlopement. I am currently working as a Quality Assurance Tester for Bluegrass Digital.

Github Repos

01. About

Hello! My name is Jack Nortje, a Quality Assurance Tester from Cape Town, South Africa.

I am currently focussing on E2E testing of software products, from complex award winning websites, to mobile apps. I have a passion for testing software and my technical background helps me work closely with developers to create amazing software.

I have the ability to find bugs and fix them myself which has been incredibly beneficial in my career so far.

Technology I have learnt:

  • html
  • css
  • javascrip
  • react
  • react
  • react
  • react

Design platforms I have used:

  • figma
  • lightroom
  • gimp
  • photoshop
Pic of me

02. Work Timeline

Quality Assurance Tester

  • Testing websites and mobile applications, on numerous browsers and physical mobile devise to find issues/bugs
  • Cross platform testing large Website Applications; and Mobile Apps (iOS, Android)
  • Good creative eye and the ability to review designs against the final product and pick out those minuscule 1-pixel bugs
  • Automated testing using Katalon Studio for my BAU clients
  • Automated testing using Rainforest

Front End Web Developer

  • Started my self taught journey in the middle of 2021 with a Udemy course and haven't looked back since
  • I discovered freeCodeCamp and completed the Responsive Web Design Course
  • I then discovered The Odin Project and completed the Foundations Course
  • I moved onto the Javascript sections on both sites and am now using them in conjunction with each other focussing on the fundimentals of Vanilla Javascript and React.
  • I recently completed a Udemy course that focussed on building eCommerce websites using WordPress along with the SEO side of things

Film Industry

  • Worked with South African production teams on many international commercial shoots.
  • Worked closely with production managers on the organisation of all shoot logistics
  • Worked with international production companies to create a great shoot.
  • Planned international production teams itinerary
  • Assiting all departments on shoot days


  • Photographed both models and behind the scenes
  • Worked with many different clients to achieve exactly what they asked for mixed with my creative abilities.
  • Scouted locations that I thought suited the brief
  • Post production

Nature Conservationist

  • Managing field ranger teams during work hours
  • Conducted Environmental Education workshops for the younger generations
  • Attended monthly reserve meetings with the pubic
  • Worked on the fireline on both Ecological burns and Wildfires

02. Course Projects

landing page

My first landing page

Html5, CSS


Cape Town Beaches

Html5, CSS

bike info page

Jack's Bike Shop

Html5, CSS

fedsa project

FEDSA Dev Project

Html5, CSS, Figma, Trelo


First JS game

Html5, CSS, Javascript


Book Library

Html5, CSS, Javascript

block game

Pixel Drawing Game

Html5, CSS, Javascript



Html5, CSS, Javascript

landing page

X's and O's

Html5, CSS, Javascript

03. Contact

I am currently looking for a position as a Junior Front EndDeveloper so if you have any questions, please do get in touch.

Designed & Created by Jack Nortje

site hosted on AWS S3